Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Peace can feel miles away when you don't have it. Unreachable, unattainable, non-existent. 
For so long I walked with anxiety and stress instead of peace. 

It sucks! 

Finding peace and holding it can be hard, but I learned a trick to help me hold my peace. 

I listen to podcasts by Kris Vallotton a lot. He is an anointed pastor and very relatable. He is open, honest and teaches the Word of God. 

Check out his podcast for yourself.

A recent podcast I listened to was talking about keeping short accounts with yourself. 
He said, "when you lose your peace, go back to where you lost it and find it."

Have you ever woke up at peace but throughout the day things happen and you suddenly realize you are stressed or anxious? 

Think back, what happened that set you off course? 
Something that was said, or done. 
It could even be something you saw, read or heard. 
It could be a conversation with a friend where you bad mouthed another friend or gossiped. 
It could be an encounter with the kids that you over punished or yelled when you could have had more grace. 
It could be something you did that you know was wrong. 
Or maybe not doing what you know you should. 

If you keep short accounts with yourself and deal with things as they come up, you won't ever be without your peace for long. 
Go back to that point of distress, with God, and work thru it. 

If you have been so far removed from your peace that you don't even know where to start dealing, pray. 
Ask Jesus to reveal those triggers to you. 

I recently found myself in a state of unrest. I couldn't seem to find my peace. 
I prayed about it and felt I had the answer. 
I had to go to a friend and have a hard conversation. 
After our conversation I had relief, I had gotten everything off my chest. 
We talked thru it and are still friends. Nothing really changed except my attitude, but that changed the whole situation. 

Next time I'm not going to wait several days. 

There is a couple other things I do to help maintain peace in my life. 

#1 keep short accounts with yourself. 

#2 trust that God does, indeed, have the best plan for your life. His plan is way better than your plan. He know how to deal with your problems way better than you. 
Plus, He wants to help!

#3 think about the good things, the blessings I have, and the promises I have in Him. 
How can I have a bad attitude when I consider all He has done, is doing, and is going to do for and in me? 

Try it out, go find your peace. 

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